Monday, 10 November 2014


When I came across this recipe online I immediately took out scale, bowls and mixer.
Of course, I made some changes: I reduced some ingredients (butter, sugar) and added new ones.
But what I found really interesting is the procedure. There are some tips that I will certainly adopt also in the future.

Cake with whole wheat flour and dried fruit

Here you find the recipe with my adjustments. If you want to see the original one, visit Il cucchiaio d'argento.


80 gr soft butter
120 gr icing sugar
2 eggs
80 gr milk
220 gr whole wheat flour
6 gr baking powder
30 gr walnuts (coarsely chopped) + 6 whole walnuts
30 gr pine-nuts
50 gr raisin
15 gr Nocino or rum
40 gr orange marmalade
1 gr vanilla


1. Soak the raisin in the rum/Nocino (for 10/15 minutes)

2. Beat butter and icing sugar together until creamy.

3. In a deep bowl, put the eggs, milk, the rum used to soak the raisin, marmelade, vanilla, 130 gr whole wheat flour. Mix well with a hand blender.

4. Add the mixture to the creamy butter. Stir well. Add also the remaining flour sifted with baking powder. 

5. Pour in the mixture raisin, pine-nuts, coarsely chopped walnuts. Mix well.

6. Line a loaf pan with parchment paper. Pour in the mixture. Divide the walnuts in half and decorate the cake with them. Cover with cling film and put in the fridge for at least one hour (this step is important to keep the cake fresh for longer).

7. Preheat the oven to 160 degrees and bake for 50/55 minutes or until a thin knife inserted near the center comes out clean.

8. After baking, flip the cake over to one side and let it cool before serving.

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